Education Support Professionals Quality (ESPQ)
The NEA Education Support Professional Quality (ESPQ) Department advocates for ESP members by offering products and programs to help them address their unique issues, concerns and needs. The tools are designed for use by ESP members in all nine ESP job categories.
Health Literacy Program
With a fast changing health care system, students need knowledge and skills to allow them to move successfully into adulthood. By building their health literacy, educators can help to ensure that they have both. Health literacy is the capacity to obtain, interpret, and understand basic health information and services and the competence to use such information and services in ways that are health-enhancing. In this 90 minute workshop educators at all grade levels can learn how to build health literacy across curricula areas and where to go for additional training. This workshop was posted in April, 2011.
Creating Great Public Schools for All Using Universal Design for Learning and Inclusive Practices
The National Education Association and the Including Samuel Project at the Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire hosted this national symposium at NEA. Over 230 policymakers and educators took part in an interactive symposium, Creating Great Public Schools for All Using UDL and Inclusive Practices, to learn more about inclusive education practices and Universal Design for Learning. Symposium participants heard from experts who presented information on best practices and highlighted the most recent developments in UDL theory and implementation.
Kay Brilliant, Lily Eskelsen, Dan Habib, Patti Ralabate
Welcome by Lily Eskelsen and Screening of Including Samuel With Dan Habib
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